Golden rules of security
All Delta-asm employees and contractors of the Company are responsible for their own safety and the safety of the people around them.
In order to ensure the safety of our employees, employees of contractors and third parties, the Company requires strict adherence to the following principles:
In Delta-asm, line managers are responsible for meeting operational safety requirements.
Leaders at all levels should demonstrate:
- a personal example of commitment to HSE issues;
- constant involvement in the processes of planning, organization and control of work performance; and to recognize that it is the attitude of the Leader to security that determines the results of his work in this area.
General rules for the safety of work
All types of work must be carried out under the following conditions:
- preliminary risk assessment and all safety issues reviewed;
- work of increased danger must be carried out alongside-admission;
- the employees are trained, are adequately qualified and are fit for work due to their health condition;
- means of individual and collective protection in accordance with the risk assessment and minimum requirements at the facility;
- on site, there are production instructions, safety signs
Any work on the repair and maintenance of equipment that is affected by any kind of energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, etc.) must be carried out under the following conditions:
- all energy sources identified;
- any identified energy is isolated, isolated or discharged;
- an appropriate interlocking is provided with warning signs at the disconnection points;
- check (test) of the reliability of the shutdown;
- periodic verification of the reliability of the shutdown is organized.
Do not remove plugs, locks, warning signs and connect equipment to power sources until all work on the equipment is completed.
Works in confined spaces must be carried out under the following conditions:
- there is no acceptable alternative way of doing work without human intervention;
- all types of energy sources and technological communications are disconnected;
- the established procedure for monitoring the state of the air environment;
- 2 insured employees were involved;
- tanks and equipment for which this requirement is mandatory are earthed.
Persons entering a confined space for sampling air should use a self-contained breathing apparatus or a hose mask.
Work in which the employee is located at a distance of less than 2 m from unrestricted elevations of 1.3 m or more in height should be carried out under the following conditions:
- the work platform is equipped with a fence or handrails with a side guard installed and checked by the responsible person;
- in the unprotected area, safety equipment is used that is suitable for specific conditions and includes:
- synthetic fiber slings, safety ropes;
- multipoint safety belt with shock absorber;
- safety carbines, etc.
- the surface of the flooring of working platforms at the height is made of a material that excludes the possibility of sliding;
- a visual inspection of the safety equipment is provided, which, in case of a malfunction, must be withdrawn from service.
Do not work at height when:
- wind speed of 15 m / s and more for all works;
- wind speed 10 m / s and more for installation and dismantling of structures;
- great sailing;
- icing;
- thunderstorm;
- in conditions of poor visibility.
Lifting operations with the use of cranes, winches, mechanical lifting devices, load-lifting devices must be carried out under the following conditions:
- lifting equipment is technically inspected and approved for operation;
- the weight of the load does not exceed the permissible workload of lifting and handling equipment;
- all safety devices installed on lifting equipment are functioning;
- visual inspection of lifting and handling equipment is provided before each lifting operation;
- the air distance from the lifting gear and the lifted load at the maximum lift or take-off to the nearest power line wire is at least 1.5 m.
It is forbidden:
- move the cargo when people are under it;
- move people by crane;
- lift cargo that has been primed or covered with soil or structures;
- allow the presence of people under the boom of the crane when lifting and lowering without load;
- lift unreliable cargo.
Work carried out in the presence or possibility of releasing explosive or harmful vapors, gases and other substances into the air of the working area, as well as work with insufficient oxygen content (below 20% volumetric), including those conducted inside apparatuses, tanks, wells, tunnels, trenches, pits and other similar places shall be carried out under the following conditions:
- at least 3 performers are involved in working in a confined space and at least 2 in other cases;
- control over the state of the air in the workplace and in the danger zone;
- it is excluded that harmful substances, explosive-fire-dangerous vapors and gases from adjacent technological systems enter the work area, and possible sources of ignition are excluded;
- the place of work is indicated (fenced);
- provided constant guidance to the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous works;
- it is prohibited to use mobile phones and other devices that may be sources of ignition.
Gas hazardous work immediately ceases, and workers are removed from the site of work with dangerous changes in the air environment.It is forbidden to dig without fastenings and slopes to a depth of more than 1 m in the presence of groundwater and near underground structures.
Moving (rotating) parts of equipment, apparatus, machinery must be operated under the following conditions:
- fences and casings are provided;
- the fence is interlocked with the start button;
- signal coloring;
- quick and convenient installation of fencing;
- protective screens are installed.
Do not operate the equipment in the absence or malfunction of protective devices and devices.
All vehicles must be operated under the following conditions:
- the vehicle has been inspected and maintained;
- the number of passengers and the characteristics of the goods correspond to the technical conditions of the vehicle manufacturer;
- vehicles equipped with tires corresponding to the time of the year;
- drivers do not have medical contraindications, are not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications and are not fatigued;
- the seat belts are installed and used by the driver and all passengers;
- transportation of bulky and heavy cargoes is carried out only upon agreement with the Customer, necessary inspections and road owners, while the height of the transported cargo under power lines must not exceed 4.5 m.
When driving a vehicle, the driver is prohibited from using any mobile communication equipment, and it is also forbidden to exceed the established speed limits and to drive on the car without the dipped headlights being switched on.
Works with the use of open flame, sparking and heating before ignition of materials and structures (electric welding, gas welding, soldering, machining of metal with the formation of sparks, etc.) should be carried out under the following conditions:
- the personnel was trained in the fire-technical minimum;
- continuous monitoring of the air environment in the workplace and in the danger zone is provided;
- avoidance of explosive substances into the air;
- the equipment is stopped, protected from sparks, exempt from explosive and toxic products, isolated from operating apparatus and communications;
- the place of work is provided with the necessary fire extinguishing means;
- the danger area is enclosed.
Fire work immediately ceases, and workers are removed from the danger zone when the content of explosive substances in the dangerous zone changes or under other conditions that cause fire danger.
Movement on ice crossings and work on ice must be carried out under the following conditions:
- work on ice is the only possible option for the planned work;
- all personnel must be wearing lifejackets;
- the thickness of the ice is checked and the permitted work sites are indicated;
- work on the ice alone is prohibited;
- the availability of the necessary means for saving a person on ice is ensured.
Movement on the ice crossings should be organized in the following order:
- in a single row;
- the distance between the vehicles is not less than 30 m;
- speed at the entrance no more than 10 km / h;
- speed when driving no more than 20 km / h;
- the doors of the cabins are open;
- safety belts unfastened;
- passengers are landed at the entrance and forced stops;
- smooth movement and no sudden braking.